About us

Our Mission

At Pura Vida, our core Values are our guiding principles - our ‘North Star’ for everything that we do.

Our values are:
Connection, Curiosity & Serving others. 

There is an increasing amount of research to say that practices helping us to be present, to decompress and get us ‘out of our heads’ are vital in our busy and sometimes disconnected lives. 

Our purpose is deeply ingrained - to help others, to create a sense of community. We want a place where people can gather and feel a sense of belonging, being part of something bigger.  Something great.

We want to establish a standard of health and wellness in the community by providing access to health enhancing treatments and food.

We are the opposite of a large commercial gym. We don’t cater for the masses. If you’re seeking a positive atmosphere with smaller tailored classes free of judgement then we welcome you to the hub.

Meet the Team

Mary - Founder

It was after a horse riding accident resulted in a major back injury that I found my love of the gym – first for recovery and rehab then later discovering weight training as a way to sculpt a strong body and mind.

Following this passion I qualified as a level 4 Personal Trainer and then found my fitness community working in commercial gyms across Newport. At this time I also established a personal practice in yoga which complimented weight training and helped with my spinal mobility. 

Fast forward a couple of years and I started trampoline fitness classes across 3 parks in South Wales. This was a fun and sweaty time helping to strengthen the pelvic floors of quite a few ladies! At the same time I gained my Pre and Post-natal PT certification just in time to have a baby ☺

Having my daughter in 2019 gave me a new found appreciation of how resilient the female body is. My focus switched from the gym environment to building core strength from within and going back to basics while my body recovered. My job title also changed from PT to Home CEO / Tantrum negotiator!

Being a stay at home mum brought some mental health challenges so through reading and listening to podcasts during the endless night feeds I immersed myself in new holistic practices. Breathwork, meditation, cold water therapy and sauna use became my daily rituals I and experienced the benefits instantly. This was the vision for Pura Vida – having all my favourite things (including food!) under one roof, sharing space with and learning from inspiring people.

Natalie - Head of Health & Wellbeing

Hi, I’m Meeko and I have 18 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. Wellness is my passion and I enjoy helping others improve their overall health through physical training, yoga, and healthy eating habits while also focusing on mental health.

My vision was to reach out and help as many people on their wellness journey as possible, now with Pura Vida Hub opening it gives me an opportunity to support even more people to live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Oliwia - Front of House Manager

I’m Oliwia – I came to the UK 7 years ago after completing my studies in cosmetology and dietetics.  I have always worked with people in various leadership positions. I have extensive knowledge about nutrition and apart from my excellent managing skills I love cooking -I could spend days and nights in the kitchen to delight others.

I am incredibly organised and always do my best to make everyone happy by giving my full commitment to every task. Outside of work I love travelling and I try to get away whenever I get down-time. Learning about other cultures and trying their cuisine gives me a sense of peace and inner fulfilment.